Drama Comedy Adventure
Yumurcak is a very naughty boy, living with his father Nihat who is a cab driver. One day a bar singer named Aysel gets on his car, escaping from someone. Nihat saves her and becomes her driver. Bekir who is the partner of the bar, fancies Aysel and he is very jealous of her. Another gangster kills him and puts the blame on Nihat. Yumurcak's mother Selma, having learned the news, walks carelessly on the street and gets hit by a car in an accident and becomes blind. Yumurcak finds the gun of the crime in the garden, takes it to the judge and asks for his father's release. Bekir tries to escape and he kidnaps Yumurcak. However Nihat and the inspector reach just in time. Yumurcak and his family return to their happy days.
Directed by
Türker İnanoğlu
Written by
Erdoğan Tünaş, Fuat Özlüer
Cüneyt Arkın
Hulusi Kentmen
İlker İnanoğlu
Filiz Akın
Nubar Terziyan
Nevin Nuray
Adnan Mersinli
Necdet Tosun
Ali Seyhan
Abdurrahman Palay
Ahmet Kostarika
Kadir Savun
Sami Hazinses
Behçet Nacar
Süha Doğan
Hüseyin Baradan
Lütfü Engin
Nermin Özses
Sedef Ecer
Neşe Karaböcek
Haydar Karaer
Mustafa Yavuz
Ahmet Sert

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