Comedy Romance Drama
Linus and David Larrabee are the two sons of a very wealthy family. Linus is all work – busily running the family corporate empire, he has no time for a wife and family. David is all play – technically he is employed by the family business, but never shows up for work, spends all his time entertaining, and has been married and divorced three times. Meanwhile, Sabrina Fairchild is the young, shy, and awkward daughter of the household chauffeur, who goes away to Paris for two years, and returns to capture David's attention, while falling in love with Linus.
Directed by
Billy Wilder
Audrey Hepburn
Sabrina Fairchild
Kay E. Kuter
Ernest - Houseman (uncredited)
Humphrey Bogart
Linus Larrabee
Nancy Kulp
Marion Ross
Spiller's Girlfriend (uncredited)
John Williams
Thomas Fairchild
Martha Hyer
Elizabeth Tyson
William Holden
David Larrabee
Chuck Hamilton
Gardener-Caretaker (uncredited)
Walter Hampden
Oliver Larrabee
Joan Vohs
Gretchen Van Horn
Paul Harvey
Dr. Calaway
Marcel Dalio
Baron St. Foritanel
Marjorie Bennett
Raymond Bailey
Member of the Board (uncredited)
Dick Gordon
Party Guest (uncredited)
Frank McLure
Party Guest
Gregory Ratoff
Man with David Larrabee (uncredited)
Ellen Corby
Miss McCardie
Marcel Hillaire
Nella Walker
Maude Larrabee
Ralph Moratz
Passenger on Ship Deck (uncredited)
Colin Campbell
Board Member (uncredited)
Emory Parnell
Francis X. Bushman
Mr. Tyson
Emmett Vogan
Board Member (uncredited)
Herschel Graham
Office Worker (uncredited)
William H. O'Brien
Bartender (uncredited)
Ralph Brooks
Party / Dance Extra (uncredited)
Harvey B. Dunn
Party Guest with Tray (uncredited)
Kay Riehl
Mrs. Tyson
Fritz Ford
Dance Partner (uncredited)
Otto Forrest
Elevator Operator (uncredited)
Rand Harper
Man (uncredited)
Sam Harris
Party Guest (uncredited)
Bill Neff
Man with Linus Larrabee (uncredited)
Lovyss Bradley
Office Worker (uncredited)
Jean Ransome
Maid (uncredited)
James Carlisle
Lawyer (uncredited)
Fred Rapport
Party Guest (uncredited)
Marion Gray
Raoul Freeman
Party Guest (uncredited)

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