Horror Drama Fantasy
Four children become friends during the summer holidays, and out of sight of the adults they discover they have hidden powers. While exploring their newfound abilities in the nearby forests and playgrounds, their innocent play takes a dark turn and strange things begin to happen.
Directed by
Eskil Vogt
Written by
Eskil Vogt
Rakel Lenora Fløttum
Ellen Dorrit Petersen
Ida and Anna's Mother
Sam Ashraf
Morten Svartveit
Ida and Anna's Father
Alva Brynsmo Ramstad
Markus Rosså
Love Couple
Irina Eidsvold Tøien
Kadra Yusuf
Aisha's Mother
Lisa Tønne
Ben's Mother
Mina Yasmin Bremseth Asheim
Marius Kolbenstvedt
Man with Stone
Kim Atle Hansen
Man at Door
Nor Erik Vaagland Torgersen
14-year-old Boy
Birgit Nordby
Woman on Bridge

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