Music Romance Drama
A dangerous love affair inspires a director to create the most spectacular and boldly seductive dance film ever made.
Directed by
Carlos Saura
Written by
Carlos Saura
Mía Maestro
Elena Flores
Martín Seefeld
Andrés Castro
Juan Luis Galiardo
Angelo Larroca
Miguel Ángel Solá
Mario Suárez
Sandra Ballesteros
María Elman
Enrique Pinti
Sergio Lieman
Ricardo Díaz Mourelle
Waldo Norman
Ariel Casas
Cecilia Narova
Laura Fuentes
Juan Carlos Copes
Carlos Nebbia
Carlos Rivarola ...
Ernesto Landi
Julio Bocca
Antonio Soares Junior
Bodyguard 1 / Dancer
Carlos Thiel
Dr. Ramírez
Nora Zinsky
Woman Investor

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