Animation Horror Action
There is a war going on between Heaven and Hell. Earth is the battlefield. Human souls are the prize. On the front lines, where good and evil collide, is a soldier in search of his past and his future. Spawn, formerly known as Al Simmons, is a CIA hitman whose death causes him to seal a deal with the devil so that he can return to his wife Wanda. Instead, the devil transforms him into 'hell-spawn,' a dark warrior who battles the forces of evil on Earth--and in himself--to uncover the truth about his identity and fulfill his destiny.
Directed by
Eric Radomski
Written by
Gary Hardwick, Alan B. McElroy
Keith David
Al Simmons / Spawn (voice)
Richard Dysart
Cogliostro (voice)
Dominique Jennings
Wanda Blake (voice)
Michael Nicolosi
Clown (voice)
Todd McFarlane
Victor Love
Terry Fitzgerald (voice)
John Rafter Lee
Jason Wynn (voice)

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