Animation Drama Fantasy Adventure
The story is about a young boy named Lubicchi and a trashman named Poupelle who meet on a Halloween night in a city that is full of tall chimneys. The chimneys pour out black smoke and the true sky cannot be seen.
Directed by
Yûsuke Hirota
Eiko Koike
Lola (voice)
Mana Ashida
Lubicchi (voice)
Jun Kunimura
Dan (voice)
Masataka Kubota
Poupelle (voice)
Sairi Ito
Antonio (voice)
Toru Nomaguchi
Reta XV (voice)
Shingo Fujimori
Scopp (voice)
Takaya Yamauchi
Eyepatch (voice)
Shosei Ohira
Dennis (voice)
Kazuki Iio
Sue (voice)
Shinosuke Tatekawa
Bruno (voice)
Akihiro Nishino
Seiji Miyane
Toshiaki (voice)
Tony Marot

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