The Unitas u/21 rugby team hero, Wimpie Koekemoer, is offered a contract to play rugby in England. Katrien rehearses a play with autistic children, while doing everything in her power to keep Wimpie in the country. Fanie is struggling to get used to Christie's post-high school chubby body and Japie is experiencing a very embarrassing problem in his sexual pursuit of Liezl... Muscle man, Werner "Killer" Botha joins the Unitas rugby team and threatens Wimpie's position in the team. (Written by Henk Pretorius)
Ivan Botha
Wimpie Koekemoer
Steve Hofmeyr
Dokter Botha
Ian Roberts
Basjan du Preez
Altus Theart
Werner 'Killer' Botha
Cherie van der Merwe
Katrien Swanepoel
Christel van den Bergh
Andrew Thompson
Fanie Voster
Neil Sharim
Japie Lambert
Ciske Kruger
Christie Barnard
Lelia Etsebeth
Liezl du Plessis
Richard van der Westhuizen
Meneer van Vuuren
Karen Fourie
Ester Koekemoer
Andre Retief
Kornelius Koekemoer
Bryan Hadwen
Solomon Cupido

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