Action Adventure Fantasy
Andrew Garret is a cop trying to reveal the background of secret killing fights named "Game". He takes part in the fights under the nickname Gladiator. One of the Game bosses, Parmenion, wants him to fight with the ancient sword that once belonged to Alexander the Great against his own fighter Mongol to recall the 2000 years old duel between Alexander and his enemy whose re-incarnations he believes to be Andrew Garrett and himself.
Directed by
Nick Rotundo
Written by
Paco Alvarez, Nick Rotundo, Nicolas Stiliadis
James Hong
George Touliatos
Chris Kilos
Lorenzo Lamas
Andrew Garrett
Claire Stansfield
Eugene Clark
Police Captain
Gary Goodridge
Angel of Death
Nicholas Pasco
Nick Milano
Christopher Lee Clements
Frank Anderson
Leo Bravo
Garry Robbins
Dan Carter
Security Guard #3
Michael Jannetta

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