Action Drama TV Movie Crime
Takahagi Sutegoro is highly skilled at casing locations for thieves so that he can sell detailed floor plans to them. He suffers an injury to his leg while trying to help a parent and a child being threatened by samurai. Heizo jumps in and chases the samurai away. Feeling indebted to Heizo, Sutegoro decides to become his spy. Now, together they will try to stop scheming Myogi Danemon’s gang of merciless thieves...
Directed by
Kōsei Saitō
Masahiko Tsugawa
Myogi Danemon
Meiko Kaji
Toshinori Omi
Chugo Kimura
Baku Numata
Tadanoshin Muramatsu
Shōhei Hino
Hiroshi Katsuno
Yusuke Sakai
Katsuhiko Watabiki
Keizo Kanie
Kobusa no Kumehachi
Koichi Miura
Yumi Takigawa
Kichiemon Nakamura II
Hasegawa Heizô, aka Onihei

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