Animation Drama Fantasy
An evil feudal lord rapes a village girl on her wedding night and proceeds to ruin her and her husband's lives. After she's eventually banished from her village, the girl makes a pact with the devil to gain magical ability and take revenge.
Directed by
Eiichi Yamamoto
Written by
Eiichi Yamamoto, Yoshiyuki Fukuda
Tatsuya Nakadai
The Devil (voice)
Aiko Nagayama
Jeanne / Belladonna (voice)
Masaya Takahashi
The Lord (voice)
Masakane Yonekura
The Priest (voice)
Takao Ito
Jean (voice)
Shigako Shimegi
The Lord's Mistress (voice)
Natsuka Yashiro
The Witch (voice)

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