Animation Action Adventure Fantasy Sci-Fi
Two years have passed since the final battle with Sephiroth. Though Midgar, city of mako, city of prosperity, has been reduced to ruins, its people slowly but steadily walk the road to reconstruction. However, a mysterious illness called Geostigma torments them. With no cure in sight, it brings death to the afflicted, one after another, robbing the people of their fledgling hope.
Directed by
Takeshi Nozue, Tetsuya Nomura
Written by
Kazushige Nojima
Junichi Suwabe
Tseng (voice)
Ayumi Ito
Tifa Lockhart (voice)
Keiji Fujiwara
Reno (voice)
Kenichi Suzumura
Zack (voice)
Takahiro Sakurai
Cloud Strife (voice)
Maaya Sakamoto
Aerith Gainsborough (voice)
Toshiyuki Morikawa
Sephiroth (voice)
Jun Murakami
Taiten Kusunoki
Rude (voice)
Kenji Nomura
Loz (voice)
Kazuhiro Yamaji
Cid Highwind (voice)
Toru Okawa
Rufus Shinra (voice)
Sumire Morohoshi
Marlene Wallace - Advent Children Complete (voice)
Hideo Ishikawa
Cait Sith (voice)
Megumi Toyoguchi
Elena (voice)
Masachika Ichimura
Red XIII/Nanaki (voice)
Showtaro Morikubo
Kadaj (voice)
Yumi Kakazu
Yuffie Kisaragi (voice)
Kenichi Mochizuki
Banjo Ginga
Reeve Tuesti (voice)
Yuji Kishi
Yazoo (voice)
Kyousuke Ikeda
Denzel (voice)
Miyu Tsuzurahara
Marlene Wallace (voice)
Shôgo Suzuki
Vincent Valentine (voice)
Kazumu Izawa
Denzel - Advent Children Complete (voice)
Masahiro Kobayashi
Barret Wallace (voice)
Rina Mogami
Moogle Girl (voice)

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