Comedy Drama
Based on an incident in the life of Beat icon Neal Cassady and his wife, the painter Carolyn, the film tells the story of a railway brakeman whose wife invites a respected bishop over for dinner. However, the brakeman's Bohemian friends crash the party, with comic results. Pull My Daisy is a film that typifies the Beat Generation. Directed by Robert Frank and Alfred Leslie, Daisy was adapted by Jack Kerouac from the third act of his play, Beat Generation; Kerouac also provided improvised narration.
Directed by
Alfred Leslie, Robert Frank
Written by
Jack Kerouac
Delphine Seyrig
Milo's Wife
Allen Ginsberg
Gregory Corso
Peter Orlovsky
Larry Rivers
Richard Bellamy
Alice Neel
Bishop's Mother
Sally Gross
Bishop's Sister
Pablo Frank
Pablo, Milo's Son
Denise Parker
Girl in Bed

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