War Drama
In 1919, a group of Japanese immigrants arrives in Hawaii. Among them Yoshio Inoue and his wife Kishimo and Sumi, a young woman ready to get married soon. With the soil that is hard to work and the subtroipical climate, the immigrants have to cope with a hard life. But after years of hard work, Yoshio finds work as a teacher while his wife manages to open a small grocery store. But with the war around the corner, life becomes more and more complicated for the Japanese immigrants in a foreign country.
Directed by
Zenzō Matsuyama
Kōji Mitsui
Keiju Kobayashi
Yoshi Katō
Mickey Curtis
Masao Shimizu
Miyuki Kuwano
Hideko Takamine
Yoshiko Kuga
Takahiro Tamura
Akira Ishihama
Kokinji Katsura
Tamotsu Hayakawa
Akitake Kôno

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