Animation Action Adventure History Drama Fantasy
Part two of Fate/Grand Order: Shinsei Entaku Ryouiki Camelot - Wandering; Agateram; an adaptation of the the Sixth Holy Grail War, The Sacred Round Table Realm Camelot Singularity of Fate/Grand Order.
Directed by
Kazuto Arai
Koki Uchiyama
Tristan (voice)
Ayako Kawasumi
The Lion King (voice)
Mamoru Miyano
Bedivere (voice)
Rie Takahashi
Mash Kyrielight (voice)
Miyuki Sawashiro
Mordred (voice)
Takehito Koyasu
Ozymandias (voice)
Kenichi Suzumura
Romani Archaman (voice)
Maaya Sakamoto
Leonardo da Vinci (voice)
Hiroki Yasumoto
Agravain (voice)
Mikako Komatsu
Xuanzang Sanzang (voice)
Tetsu Inada
Hassan of the Cursed Arm (voice)
Ryotaro Okiayu
Lancelot (voice)
Nobunaga Shimazaki
Ritsuka Fujimaru (voice)
Sayaka Senbongi
Hassan of the Serenity (voice)
Minami Tanaka
Nitocris (voice)
Takahiro Mizushima
Gawain (voice)

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