Animation Adventure Family Fantasy
The story of the Arab knight Muhammad Bin Qasim Al-Thaqafi who rescued many women and children from pirates in the Indian Ocean. He entered a fierce war against King Dahr who was sharing the spoils with the pirates, with the help of his friend Ziad and his mentor Abu Al-Asud.
Directed by
Bashir El Deek, Ibrahim Mousa
Written by
Bashir El Deek
Saeed Saleh
Mohamed Henedi
Jinni Bakto
Sabry Abdelmonem
Ahmed Kamal
Ghassan Matar
Abla Kamel
Hajjaj's Daughter
Amina Rizk
Medhat Saleh
Mohammed AlKassim
Zayed Fouad
Donia Samir Ghanem
Princess Lubna
Maged El Kedwany
Jinni Shamhourish
Ihsan ElQala'awy
Lekaa El Khamisy
Abdul Rahman Abu Zahra
Noheir Amin
Mohamed El Dafrawi
Othman Abdel Monem

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