Drama Crime Thriller Romance
Shehata is the son of a modest gardener who saved all his money to open a fruit stand and named it after his favorite son. Shehata's siblings get so jealous of their brother and plot against him. A representation of the downfall of society and its decaying morals.
Directed by
Khaled Youssef
Written by
Nasser Abdulrahman
Bayoumi Fouad
Haifa Wehbe
Abdelaziz Makhyoun
Reham Ayman
Mohamed Karim
Sabry Fawaz
Osama Abdullah
Maher Selim
Amr Saad
Ghada Abdel Razek
Mahmoud Hemida
Tarek Abdelaziz
Amr Abdel Gelil
Ahmad Wafiq
Reem Hijab
Nadia Al Iraqiya
Mamdouh Maddah
Hagag Kamel
Ramy Gheit
Esam Tawfiq

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