Thriller Action Drama
Pil-ju, an Alzheimer's patient in his 80s, who lost all his family during the Japanese colonial era, and devotes his lifelong revenge before his memories disappear, and a young man in his 20s who helps him.
Directed by
Lee Il-hyung
Written by
Yoon Jong-bin, Lee Il-hyung
Nam Joo-hyuk
Yoon Je-moon
Kim Moo-jin
Kim Hong-pa
Director Seo
Nam Moon-chul
Team Leader
Yang Hyun-min
Choi Jin-man
Park Se-hyun
Han Ok-seon
Lee Sung-min
Ha Do-kwon
Chi-deok's Bodyguard
Moon Chang-gil
Professor Yang
Park Keun-hyong
Kim Chi-deok
Jeong Man-sik
Kang Yeong-sik
Park Seo-yeon
Kim Se-jung
Song Young-chang
Jung Baek-jin
Yoon Se-woong
Taxi Driver
Choi Min-cheol
Sergeant Kim
Lee Seung-joon
Sergeant Park
Jeong Han-bin
Detective Choi
Park Byeong-ho
Tojo Hisashi
Yoon Woo
Young Pil-ju
Jeon Doo-hyun

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