Crime TV Movie Thriller Mystery Drama
Christophe Perrin, a renowned oyster farmer in Arcachon Bay, is the victim of a murder attempt. His three daughters rush to his bedside, where he lies wounded and unable to manage L'Héritage, the family oyster farm.
Directed by
Laurent Dussaux
Written by
Catherine Hoffman, Pierre Lacan
Barbara Cabrita
Tessa Perrin
Bernard Verley
Christophe Perrin
Thomas Jouannet
Capitaine Julien Dubreuil
Cyril Gueï
Adrien Ronsart
Romane Portail
Marianne Perrin Ronsart
Vincent Primault
gendarme Lamoureux
Diane Robert
Nathalie Perrin
Pierre Langlois
Clément Dumay
Pierre Lacan

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