Animation Adventure Action Fantasy
Goblin Slayer and his party head up to the snowy mountains in the north after receiving that request from the Sword Maiden to find any information on the Noble Fencer that disappeared after leaving to slay some goblins. A small village gets attacked, they encounter a mysterious chapel, and something about how these goblins are acting bothers the Goblin slayer. In order to save the captured Noble Fencer, the Goblin Slayer and his party head to an ancient fortress covered in snow to face off with a powerful foe and a horde of goblins!
Directed by
Takaharu Ozaki
Yoshitsugu Matsuoka
Spearman (voice)
Tomokazu Sugita
Lizard Priest (voice)
Toshiyuki Morikawa
Goblin Paladin (voice)
Hiyori Kouno
Rhea Scout (voice)
Yui Ogura
Priestess (voice)
Aya Endo
Sword Maiden (voice)
Sayaka Kikuchi
Villager (voice)
Sumire Uesaka
Noble Fencer (voice)
Shinya Takahashi
Village Mayor (voice)
Maaya Uchida
Guild Girl (voice)
Shinsuke Sugawara
Villager (voice)
Yuichi Nakamura
Dwarf Shaman (voice)
Nao Toyama
High Elf Archer (voice)
Ryo Sugisaki
Dwarf Priest (voice)
Yoko Hikasa
Witch (voice)
Aya Yamane
Woman Warrior (voice)
Shota Hayama
Villager (voice)
Yuuichirou Umehara
Goblin Slayer (voice)
Yuka Iguchi
Cow Girl (voice)
Akira Koga
Wizard (voice)

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