Drama Thriller Music
Jenny, a deaf runaway who has just arrived in San Francisco's Haight-Ashbury district to find her long-lost brother, a mysterious bearded sculptor known around town as The Seeker. She falls in with a psychedelic band, Mumblin' Jim, whose members include Stoney, Ben, and Elwood. They hide her from the fuzz in their crash pad, a Victorian house crowded with love beads and necking couples. Mumblin' Jim's truth-seeking friend Dave considers the band's pursuit of success "playing games," but he agrees to help Jennie anyway.
Directed by
Richard Rush
Bruce Dern
Steve Davis
Jack Nicholson
Dean Stockwell
Linda Gaye Scott
Jimi Hendrix
Jimi Hendrix
Susan Strasberg
Jennie Davis
Dick Clark
Garry Marshall
Adam Roarke
Max Julien
Gary Kent
Thug's Leader
Sky Saxon
Tony Vorno
Minister (uncredited)

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