Comedy Drama Romance
In the midst of the Mariel boat lift -- a hurried exodus of refugees from Cuba going to America -- an immigration clerk accidentally presumes that dissident Juan Raul Perez and Dorita Evita Perez are married. United by their last name and a mutual resolve to emigrate, Dorita and Juan agree to play along. But it gets complicated when the two begin falling for each other just as Juan reunites with his wife, Carmela, whom he hasn't seen in decades.
Directed by
Mira Nair
Marisa Tomei
Dorita Evita Perez
Alfred Molina
Juan Raul Perez
Trini Alvarado
Teresa Perez
Anjelica Huston
Carmela Perez
Sarita Choudhury
Chazz Palminteri
Lt. John Pirelli
Vincent Gallo
Ranjit Chowdhry
Indian Immigration Official
Celia Cruz
Luz Pat
Antoni Corone
Ruben Rabasa
Father Martinez
Ellen Cleghorne
Officer Rhoades
Bill Sage
Steve Steverino
Mel Gorham
Vilma / Raquel
Diego Wallraff
Angel Diaz
Melissa Hickey
Young Carmela
Roberto Escobar
Angela Lanza
Luis Raúl
News Photographer
Gustavo Laborie
Cuban Official
Glenda Díaz Rigau
Sheila Korsi
Cuban Refugee

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