Romance TV Movie
When Nick is fired from his high-powered investment firm at Christmastime, he takes a job at a Christmas tree lot. There, he meets Julie, an astronomy teacher who’s always looked to the stars for hope. As the Christmas spirit washes over him—and he begins falling for Julie—the once self-centered Nick discovers the joy of helping others.
Directed by
Allan Harmon
Jesse Metcalfe
Nick Bellwith
Autumn Reeser
Julie Gibbons
Clarke Peters
Clem Marshwell
Michael Kopsa
Sydney Bellwith
Samantha Ferris
Ellen Wardstone
Brandy Le
Nick's Assistant
Anthony Bolognese
Matt Gibbons
Moneca Delain
Rae Knowles
Chad Riley
Ken Camroux-Taylor
George Eckland
Zoriah Wong
Mia Knowles
Yoshie Bancroft

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