Music Comedy
Fight for Your Right Revisited stars Danny McBride, Seth Rogen, and Elijah Wood as the "young" Beastie Boys from the past and Jack Black, John C. Reilly, and Will Ferrell as the "old" Beastie Boys from the future. The story begins where the video for "Fight for Your Right (1987)" ended. It features music from the band's album Hot Sauce Committee Part Two.
Directed by
Adam Yauch
Written by
Adam Yauch
Rashida Jones
Skirt Suit
Jack Black
MCA (B-Boys 2)
Orlando Bloom
Danny McBride
MCA (B-Boys 1)
Steve Buscemi
Will Ferrell
Ad-Rock (B-Boys 2)
Chloë Sevigny
Girl in Limo
Susan Sarandon
Stanley Tucci
Jason Schwartzman
Vincent Van Gogh
Amy Poehler
Café Patron
Elijah Wood
Ad-Rock (B-Boys 1)
Milo Ventimiglia
Cafe Patron
Kirsten Dunst
Metal Chick
Seth Rogen
Mike D (B-Boys 1)
Maya Rudolph
Girl in Limo 3
Alicia Silverstone
Café Patron
Laura Dern
Cafe Patron
Martin Starr
Paddy Wagon Driver
Shannyn Sossamon
Café Patron
Adam Scott
Cab Driver
Will Arnett
Biz Man
Mary Steenburgen
Café Patron
Rainn Wilson
Church Goer
David Cross
Nathanial Hornblower
Ted Danson
Maitre D'
John C. Reilly
Mike D (B-Boys 2)
Arabella Field
Church Goer
Silvia Šuvadová
Cafe Patron
Losel Yauch
Alfredo Ortiz
Cafe Patron

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