Drama Romance TV Movie
William & Kate is the first of two unrelated American television films about the relationship between Prince William and Catherine "Kate" Middleton (now The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge), directed by Mark Rosman and written by Nancey Silvers. The film was a ratings success, despite the negative reception from critics. The second film William & Catherine: A Royal Romance was produced by a different company and released in August 2011.
Directed by
Mark Rosman
Camilla Luddington
Kate Middleton
Charles Shaughnessy
Helicopter Flight Instructor
Christopher Cousins
Michael Middleton
Victoria Tennant
Sloane Avery
Beautiful Girl (uncredited)
Ben Cross
Prince of Wales
Trilby Glover
Margaret Hemmings-Wellington
Jonathan Patrick Moore
Ian Musgrave
Serena Scott Thomas
Carole Middleton
Nico Evers-Swindell
Prince William
Richard Alan Reid
Derek Rodgers
Samantha Whittaker
Olivia Martin
Calvin Goldspink
James Middleton

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