Comedy Drama Music
The son of a wealthy man wants to be a musician but his father, the factory owner, objects and kicks him out. When his father announces a competition for the name of a new soap, his son wins the prize and has enough money to finance the theater of his dreams and he becomes famous for his shows.
Directed by
Fatin Abdel Wahab
Serag Mounir
Shaker Shaker Shaker
Zeinat Sedki
Mokhtar Osman
Mimi Chakib
Mounir Mourad
Mounir Shaker Shaker Shaker
Zeinat Elwy
Shafiq Nour ElDein
Shaker's secretary
Abdelsalam El Nabolsi
Salim Al-Khankawi
Reyaad ElQasabgy

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