Thriller Crime Drama
Kamel Helmy is a famous writer, in the late 1940s, living in Cairo, in the famous Imobilia building, after the death of his wife and the departure of his children from home. He suffers from loneliness and schizophrenia. One day he calls a girl named Samah who had befriended Facebook in an attempt to ease his isolation.
Directed by
Khaled El Hagar
Written by
Khaled El Hagar
Nahed El Sebai
Hani Adel
Tarek Abdelaziz
Ahmed Kamal
Ahmed Abdallah Mahmoud
Doaa Teama
Maher Selim
Youssef Ismail
Menha Zaytoon
Azza Al Husseiny
Yasmeen Elhawary

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