In 200,000 years of existence, man has upset the balance on which the Earth had lived for 4 billion years. Global warming, resource depletion, species extinction: man has endangered his own home. But it is too late to be pessimistic: humanity has barely ten years left to reverse the trend, become aware of its excessive exploitation of the Earth's riches, and change its consumption pattern.
Directed by
Yann Arthus-Bertrand
Written by
Yen Le Van, Yann Arthus-Bertrand, Denis Carot, Isabelle Delannoy
Isabella Rossellini
Narrator (italian voice)
Glenn Close
Narrator (english voice)
Salma Hayek Pinault
Narrator (spanish voice)
Zhou Xun
Narrator (chinese voice)
Jacques Gamblin
Narrator (french voice)

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