Sci-Fi Drama Comedy
Detective Kouichi Todome head of the elite Kerberos police squad escapes after the unit is marked for destruction by the government. Three years later, Inui, a member of the squad, is released from prison with one goal: to find his former master. But the trail to Todome is a twisted one, and when Inui finally finds Todome, he realizes that instead of following his own path, Todome was following the orders of another.
Directed by
Mamoru Oshii
Written by
Mamoru Oshii
Shigeru Chiba
Koichi Todome
Fumihiko Tachiki
Jouji Nakata
Takashi Matsuyama
Man in White
Koji Tsujitani
Masaru Ikeda
Kazumi Tanaka
Ryoichi Tanaka
Eaching Sue
Tang Mie
Yoshikatsu Fujiki
Keinosuke Suzuki
Takayuki Kitamura
Sho Sadakata
Yutaro Mitsuoka
Masashi Sugawara
Masamichi Sato

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