Animation Fantasy Action
When cat spirit Luo Xiaohei's home is deforested by humans, he must find a new one. He runs into a group of other spirit creatures who take him under their wing with dreams of reconquering the land they say is rightfully theirs. However, they run into a human known as Wuxian who separates Luo Xiaohei from the other spirits and the two go on a journey, with the cat spirit learning to control his abilities as well as forming his own thoughts on whether or not he should ally with the spirits or the humans.
Directed by
Written by
Kexin Peng, MTJJ, Fengxishenlei
Yang Ning
Ruoshui (voice)
Sheng Feng
Tianhu (voice)
Shan Xin
Luo Xiaohei / Nezha (voice)
Hao Xianghai
Fengxi (voice)
Ding Dang
Luozhu (voice)
Liu Mingyue
Wuxian (voice)
Yeqiao Yan
Flower Spirit (voice)
Chen Siyu
Jiulao (voice)
Yuntu Cao
Xuhuai (voice)

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