Drama Romance
For all his life, wealthy businessman Wesley Deeds has done what's expected of him and has settled into a predictable routine. His scripted life begins to change, however, when he meets Lindsey Wakefield, a struggling single mother who works as a night janitor for his corporation and has just been evicted. He offers to help Lindsey get back on her feet and, though he's already engaged, romantic sparks begin to fly. Suddenly, he finds himself torn between what is expected of him and what he really wants.
Directed by
Tyler Perry
Thandiwe Newton
Tyler Perry
Wesley Deeds
Rebecca Romijn
Heidi Foster
Gabrielle Union
Eddie Cibrian
John Foster
Jamie Kennedy
Brian J. White
Walter Deeds
Phylicia Rashād
Wilimena Deeds
Ashley LeConte Campbell
Social Worker
Ylian Alfaro Snyder
Corporate Employee
Jordenn Thompson

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