Drama Family Romance
Horse trainer Shawn O'Hara and his lovely niece, Margaret, come to America to escape the memory of an accident involving Margaret's brother, Danny. Working with thoroughbreds in Kentucky, Shawn takes a liking to a yearling named Seabiscuit, and fights to convince the horse's owner that the tiny horse with big knees will become a top-notch racehorse. Meanwhile, Margaret begins a tentative relationship with jockey Ted Knowles, but is haunted by her brother's death in a steeplechase spill. Written by Ray Hamel
Directed by
David Butler
Shirley Temple
Margaret O'Hara / Knowles
Rosemary DeCamp
Mrs. Charles S. Howard
William Forrest
Thomas Milford
Barry Fitzgerald
Shawn O'Hara
Lon McCallister
Ted Knowles
Pierre Watkin
Charles S. Howard
Donald MacBride
George Carson
Madame Sul-Te-Wan
Joe Wong
Wong the O'Hara's Cook
Sugarfoot Anderson
Walkin' Murphy, Milford's Boy
Hal J. Moore
Race Commentator
Clem McCarthy
Race Commentator
Himself (archive footage)
Sea Sovereign
Seabiscuit (close-ups)
War Admiral
Himself (archive footage)
Ezelle Poule
Miss Finch
Joe Hernandez
Race Commentator

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