Drama Horror Mystery Crime
A gothic tale of mysticism and violent crime. Two women go out into the fringe of rural culture to seek a revelation. They get trapped in a fierce place, and one murders a man with an ax after she has a vision that he is an evil thing.
Directed by
Richard Bailey
Written by
Richard Bailey
Carl Bailey
Clovis Bannon
Hilly Holsonback
Jeannie Tiller
Hannah Weir
Saribeth Merton
Ike Duncan
Oral Bannon
Cameron McElyea
Dickie Jerome
Fred Curchack
Ilknur Ozgur
Charlotte Riley
Brad Hennigan
Martin Bennett
Charles Dunnahoe
Officer Pindally
Mallory McCall
Mabel Watkins
Brett Ardoin
Rev. Tibor Longstreet
Alex Axon
Woman on Roof
Katie McLain
Young Woman
Lee Phan
Young Man
Michael Clay

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