Animation Adventure Comedy Family Fantasy
Amidst the family's financial difficulties, Juki finds a treasure map left by his ancestors. Along with Professor Juned, Babeh, and Emak, Juki embarks on an adventure to hunt for treasure on a mysterious island. Before getting sail, Juki meets and is assisted by a female treasure hunter named Susi. During their adventure, they must face various obstacles including a gang of pirates known as the Storm Pirates, monsters, monkey armies, and a curse that can cause extraordinary disasters. Will Juki succeed in obtaining the treasure?
Directed by
Faza Meonk
Written by
Faza Meonk, Yahya M.
Rigen Rakelna
Bang Odang (Voice)
Sadana Agung
Jang Bewok (Voice)
Megan Domani
Susi (Voice)
Indra Jegel
Cil Bewok (Voice)
Juleha (Voice)
Bryan Domani
Kapten Badai (Voice)
Professor Juned (Voice)
Tretan Muslim
Bang Tohir (Voice)
Hifdzi Khoir
Brot Bewok (Voice)
Jaja Mihardja
Bang Mamat (Voice)
Maya Wulan
Emak Ijah (Voice)
Coki Pardede
Bang Coki (Voice)
Bang Mandra (Voice)
Andovi da Lopez
Panglima Monyet/Bang Indra (Voice)
Windah Basudara
Monyet Sepuh (Voice)
Mohammad Marzuki
Si Juki (Voice)

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