Drama Mystery Thriller
A highly successful and well known illusionist challenges four participants to endure their stay in his very own infamous house where terrible murders have taken place.
Directed by
Renaldo Samsara, Matthew Hart
Written by
Renaldo Samsara
Acha Septriasa
Cornelio Sunny
Lewis Ford
Arifin Putra
Rufus Black / The Millionaire
Marthino Lio
Zack Ford
Naomi Yang
Nurse #1
Samuel Rizal
Nana Mirdad
Serena Ford
Hannah Al Rashid
Laila Hart
Nadine Alexandra
Andrea Risma
Nirina Zubir
Lingga Abraham
Nino Fernandez
Michael Baldin
Zara Brophy
Sarah Ford
Zaskia Sungkar
Tatiana Gayatri
Nurse #2

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