Adventure Drama Thriller
Malaya tropical island romantic love triangle adventure thriller, about a cruise ship where Bubonic plague breaks out. Four people are able to leave the ship in a tiny boat and make it to a desert island, where many adventures ensue and, of course, the two men fight over the beautiful young schoolteacher who is with them.
Directed by
Cecil B. DeMille
Teru Shimada
Claudette Colbert
Judy Jones
Herbert Marshall
Arnold Ainger
Leo Carrillo
Katherine DeMille
William Gargan
Stewart Corder
Mary Boland
Mrs. Mardick
Chris-Pin Martin
Native Boatman
Leota Lorraine
Nella Walker
Mrs. Ainger
Ethel Griffies
Mrs. Ainger's Mother
Tetsu Komai
Native Chief
Emily Barrye
Joe De La Cruz
Delmar Costello
E.R. Jinedas
Minoru Nishida
Carl Mudge
Curley Dresden
Bruce Warren

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