Crime Drama
Hot jewels from London make their way to New York, where they are stolen by racketeer Ed Dexter, who hides them with the help of his vivacious girlfriend, Vivian Palmer. Federal agent Ross McBride goes undercover to infiltrate the gang and, suspecting Vivian can lead him to the jewels, comes to her aid when she is chased by a rival gang. The two flee to the Midwest with both gangs in pursuit, but Vivian is not as gullible as Ross thinks.
Directed by
Sam Wood
Written by
Robert Chapin, Horace Jackson
Spencer Tracy
Ross 'Mac' McBride aka Danny Ross Ackerman
Myrna Loy
Vivian Palmer
John Qualen
Will Dabson
Charles Irwin
Larry King
Wade Boteler
Detective Humphries
Harvey Stephens
Ed Dexter
Robert Warwick
Robert W. Wadsworth
Clay Clement
Harry Ames
Paul Stanton
Justice Department Chief Hughes
Don Rowan
Georges Renavent
Robert Gleckler
Steve Arnold
William Harrigan
'Doc' Evans
Irene Franklin
Mme. Marie
Lillian Leighton
Aunt Jane
J. Anthony Hughes
William Ingersoll
Dr. Williams

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