Action Drama
NXT UK TakeOver: Cardiff is a professional wrestling show and WWE Network event produced by WWE for their NXT UK brand. It took place on August 31, 2019, at Motorpoint Arena Cardiff in Cardiff, Wales and was streamed live on the WWE Network. It is the second event promoted under the NXT UK TakeOver chronology, after NXT UK TakeOver: Blackpool.
Paul Lévesque
Walter Hahn
Ilja Rukober
Claudio Castagnoli
Noam Dar
Toni Rossall
Toni Storm
Travis Bligh
Travis Banks
Josseph Ćhoffeh
Joe Coffey
Tyler Bate
James Dowell
James Drake
Mark Andrews
Jack Rea
Zack Gibson
Gavin Watkins
Flash Morgan Webster
Barry Young
Kayleigh Rae
Kay Lee Ray
Mark Coffey
David Minton
Bomber Dave Mastiff

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