Action Animation Romance
Picking up from where the previous movie left off, Ranka's star career flourishes while Sheryl's health rapidly deteriorates after collapsing during a live performance. At the same time, separate factions are maneuvering behind the scenes seeking to control the Vajra horde by utilizing the singing abilities of the two songstresses. As the entire Macross Frontier fleet begins to wage its final war on the Vajra, Alto finally makes a choice between Ranka and Sheryl.
Directed by
Kazuya Miura, Kazuo Sakai, Hiroshi Tamada, Takao Abo, Yasutake Okawara, Yukio Takahashi, Tomohiro Hirata, Shoji Kawamori, Masashi Abe, Takahiro Harada
Written by
Hiroyuki Yoshino, Shoji Kawamori
Kenta Miyake
Bobby Margot (voice)
Katsuyuki Konishi
Ozma Lee (voice)
Hiroshi Kamiya
Mikhail Blanc (voice)
Kikuko Inoue
Grace O'Connor (voice)
Aya Endo
Sheryl Nome (voice)
Tomokazu Sugita
Leon Mishima (voice)
Jun Fukuyama
Luca Angeloni (voice)
Aya Hirano
Mena Roshan (voice)
Sanae Kobayashi
Catherine Glass (voice)
Yuichi Nakamura
Alto Saotome (voice)
Kaori Fukuhara
Lam Hoa (voice)
Sheryl Nome (Singer) (voice)
Tomomichi Nishimura
Howard Glass (voice)
Toru Okawa
Jeffery Wilder (voice)
Takumi Yamazaki
Isamu (voice)
Megumi Toyoguchi
Klan Klang (voice)
Hirofumi Nojima
Yasaburo Saotome (voice)
Rie Tanaka
Monica Lang (voice)
Megumi Nakajima
Ranka Lee (voice)
Soichiro Hoshi
Brera Sterne (voice)

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