Animation Comedy Romance Drama
After blessing software announced their first work, Eriri and Utaha leave the group to join popular creator Akane Kosaka in developing a major game called Fields Chronicle. Meanwhile, Tomoya and Megumi join hands with their new members and various other parties to produce their new game. What will become of Eriri and Utaha’s major work? Will the relationship between Tomoya and Megumi change? And what will be the ultimate fate of blessing software’s new game?
Directed by
Kanta Kamei, Akihisa Shibata
Ai Kayano
Kasumigaoka Utaha
Yoshitsugu Matsuoka
Aki Tomoya
Saori Onishi
Sawamura Spencer Eriri
Kiyono Yasuno
Katou Megumi
Tetsuya Kakihara
Hashima Iori
Sayuri Yahagi
Hyoudou Michiru
Chinatsu Akasaki
Hashima Izumi

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