Mystery Thriller
Four strangers are invited by the reclusive Kabir Malhotra, to his private island of Samos, Greece. They don't know each other and they don't know him ... and by the next morning they will wish they had never come.
Directed by
Abhinay Deo
Abhishek Bachchan
Neil Menon
Anupam Kher
Kabir Malhotra
Jimmy Shergill
Vikram Kapoor
Sikandar Kher
Sunil Srivastav
Boman Irani
Op Ramsay
Farhan Akhtar
Kangana Ranaut
Sia Agnihotri
Gauahar Khan
Samara Shroff
Mantra Mugdh
Edward Sonnenblick
Forensic Pathologist
Mohan Kapur
Sarah-Jane Dias
Shahana Goswami
Tisha Khanna
Akash Dhar
Sunil Nair
Benjamin Gilani
Mr. Khanna
David Firefly
Man in Strip Club
Meenal Patel
Nun in Hospital

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