Action Comedy Crime Romance
Jerry Welbach, a reluctant bagman, has been given two ultimatums: The first is from his mob boss to travel to Mexico and retrieve a priceless antique pistol, known as "the Mexican"... or suffer the consequences. The second is from his girlfriend Samantha to end his association with the mob. Jerry figures alive and in trouble with Samantha is better than the more permanent alternative, so he heads south of the border.
Directed by
Gore Verbinski
Written by
J.H. Wyman
Brad Pitt
Jerry Welbach
Julia Roberts
Samantha Barzel
J.K. Simmons
Ted Slocum
David Krumholtz
Gene Hackman
Arnold Margolese
James Gandolfini
Winston Baldry
Michael Cerveris
Gerardo Taracena
Reveler to Fire Gun
Jeremy Roberts
Bobby Victory
Bob Balaban
Bernie Nayman
Castulo Guerra
Joe the Pawnshop Owner
Pedro Armendáriz Jr.
Mexican Policeman
Angelina Peláez
Richard Coca
Car Thief #1
Miguel Ángel Fuentes
Big Car Thief #4
Mayra Sérbulo
Emanuelle (as Maira Serbulo)
Luis Felipe Tovar
Nobleman's Son
Arthur Taxier
Hotel Security
Salvador Sánchez
Fermín Martínez
Chicken Farmer
Daniel Zacapa
Mexican Bartender
Sherman Augustus
Well Dressed Black Man
Gustavo Aguilar Tejada
Junk Yard Proprietor (as Gustavo Aguilar)
Carlos Lacámara
Mexican Car Rental Rep
Ernesto Gómez Cruz
Gilberto Barraza
2nd Man with Gun
Daniel Escobar
Dale Raoul
Alan Ciangherotti
Gunsmith's Assistant (as Alan Cianguerotti)
Ariane Pellicer
Mexican Ticket Agent
Clint Curtis
Vegas Busboy
Steve Rossi
Vegas M.C.
José Carlos Rodríguez
Hotel Clerk
Melisa Romero
Gunsmith's Daughter
Jorge Malpica
Mexican Gas Station Clerk
Alfredo Escobar
Car Thief #2
Luis Artagnan
Car Thief #3
Lucía Pailles
Mexican Woman at Phone
Humberto Fernández Tristan
Fausta Torres
Elderly Mexican Lady
Loló Navarro
Chosen Grandmother
Emiliano Guerra
Small Boy with Flashlight
William Fuller
Big Tom
John Pisci
Rudy Aikels
Ronald Simone
Gloria M. Malgarini
Diner Patron (uncredited)

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