Drama Thriller Romance
The second collection of this hot boys shorts series takes us deep into hidden psyches, revelations of long-held secrets, to boys boarding school for the birth of a love affair, inside an explosive internet encounter, and at the center of a teen party where infatuations quickly turn lives upside down. Includes: Beyond Plain Sight (2014); Like Father (2017); Lost Years (2016); Salt [Sal.] (2016); Sign (2016); Turn It Around (2017).
Directed by
Jason Stuart, Alejandro Beltrán, Andrew Keenan-Bolger, Niels Bourgonje, Joseph A. Adesunloye
Tonko Bossen
Valentijn Avé
Guilherme Rodio
Scott Bixby
Joshua Castille
Nic Few
Eucir de Souza
Andrew Keenan-Bolger
Paul Davis
Matthew Bauman
Samuel Garcia
Jack O'Neill
Jason Stuart

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