Crime Thriller Drama
Jimmy Kilmartin is an ex-con trying to stay clean and raise a family. When his cousin Ronnie causes him to take a fall for driving an illegal transport of stolen cars, Detective Calvin Hart is injured and Jimmy lands back in prison. In exchange for an early release, he is asked to help bring down a local crime boss named 'Little Junior' Brown. However, he's also sent undercover by Detective Hart to work with Little Junior and infiltrate his operations. As soon as Little Junior kills an undercover Federal agent with Jimmy watching, the unscrupulous DA and the Feds further complicate his life.
Directed by
Barbet Schroeder
Nicolas Cage
Little Junior Brown
Samuel L. Jackson
Calvin Hart
Michael Rapaport
Ronnie Gannon
Stanley Tucci
Frank Zioli
Helen Hunt
Bev Kilmartin
Ving Rhames
Kathryn Erbe
Rosie Kilmartin
Henry Yuk
Chinese Restaurant Owner
Hope Davis
Junior's Girlfriend
Kevin Corrigan
Kid Selling Infinity
David Caruso
Jimmy Kilmartin
Anthony Heald
Jack Gold
Angel David
J. J.
Anne Meara
Bev's Mother
Jay O. Sanders
Federal Agent
Chuck Zito
Bernadette Penotti
Molested Dancer
Joe Lisi
Agent at Bungalow
Philip Baker Hall
Big Junior Brown
Chuck Margiotta
Escort at Cemetery #1
John Costelloe
James McCauley
Cop Outside Bar
Katie Sagona
Corinna (4 Years Old)
Tony Cucci
Junior's Crew #1
Jim Lovelett
Tom Riis Farrell
EMS Supervisor
Shiek Mahmud-Bey
Federal Agent
Juliet Adair Pritner
Female Agent
Frank Ferrara
Jay Boryea
Escort at Cemetery #2
Frank DiLeo
Big Junior's Friend
John C. Vennema
Angry Federal Agent
Dean Rader Duval
Sing Sing Guard
Alex Stevens
Convoy Drunk
Lindsay J. Wrinn
Corinna (Toddler)
Megan L. Wrinn
Corinna (Toddler)
Hugh Palmer
Naked Man Dancing
Edward McDonald
U.S. Attorney
Mark Hammer
Jason Andrews
Johnny A.
Sean G. Wallace
Bobby B.
Ed Trucco
Calvin's Partner
Debra J. Pereira
Sioux Dancer
Allen K. Berstein
Junior's Crew #2
Lloyd Hollar
Prison Chaplain
Nicholas Falcone
Priest at Funeral
Michael Artura
Emergency Room Cop

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