Crime Thriller Action
An assassin named Tae-goo is offered a chance to switch sides with his rival Bukseong gang, headed by Chairman Doh. Tae-goo rejects the offer that results in the murder of his sister and niece. In revenge, Tae-goo brutally kills Chairman Doh and his men and flees to Jeju Island where he meets Jae-yeon, a terminally ill woman. Though, the henchman of the Bukseong gang, Executive Ma is mercilessly hunting Tae-goo to take revenge.
Directed by
Park Hoon-jung
Written by
Park Hoon-jung
Hyun Bong-sik
Jeon Yeo-been
Kim Jae-yeon
Jang Young-nam
Son Byung-ho
Mr. Doh
Um Tae-goo
Park Tae-goo
Cha Seung-won
Ma Sang-gil
Park Ho-san
Yang Do-soo
Lee Ki-young
Cha Soon-bae
Mr. Hwang
Lee Moon-sik
Mr. Park
Tae In-ho
Ahn Se-bin
Seo Han-gyeol
Tae-goo's Subordinate
Cho Dong-in
Choi Jeong-hyun
Busan Thug
Nam Gyeong-min
Busan Thug

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