Drama Western
California, 1848. An invading army has defeated the few opposing forces and the territory has become part of the United States. Don César de Echagüe, an old gentleman, begs his son César to return from Europe, confident that he will know how to confront the oppressor.
Directed by
Joaquín Romero Marchent, Fernando Soler
José Calvo
Abel Salazar
El Coyote
Fernando Soler
Carlos Otero
Roberto Artigas
Rafael Bardem
Don César de Echagüe Sr.
Gloria Marín
Leonor de Acevedo
Xan das Bolas
Rufino Inglés
José María Prada
Santiago Rivero
Captain Potts
Manuel Monroy
Edmund Greene
Julio Goróstegui
Lis Rogi
Mary Sol Luna
Ángela Tamayo
Ignacio de Paúl
Pepa Bravo
José G. Rey
Pepa Ruiz
Ignacio de Córdoba

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