Crime Drama Mystery
"Talk Dirty" is the most sultry controversial call-in show on the air, and after a cast member dies mysteriously during a broadcast, the ratings shoot through the roof. But when it appears that the death might not be an isolated incident, things get hotter than anyone can bear. Now it's up to gorgeous detective Allison Germanetti to track down the killer before he, or she, strikes again. Stepping into a glamorous world of sex, money, and fame, Allison quickly finds herself in over her head. With the killer breathing down her neck, she'll have to risk her own life to draw the murderer out. Whatever the outcome, it's going to be an exciting show.
Directed by
Clark Stewart
Written by
Martin Olmedo
Monique Alexander
Nichole McAuley
Det Allison Germanetti
Lezley Zen
Ann Marie Rios
Violet (as Ann Marie)
Justin Kyle
Tom Fry
Charity Peters
Terrill Warren
Sam Weston
Frank Harper
Rick Sterns (as Chip Albers)
Jeff Marchelletta
Det. Luis Fernandez

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