Drama Romance Thriller
In present-day Nicaragua, a headstrong American journalist and a mysterious English businessman strike up a romance as they become embroiled in a dangerous labyrinth of lies and conspiracies and are forced to try and escape the country.
Directed by
Claire Denis
Margaret Qualley
John C. Reilly
American Magazine Editor
Joe Alwyn
Danny Ramirez
Costa Rican Cop
Nick Romano
Carlos Serrano
Border Bartender
Robin Durán
Head of Costa Rican Border
Stephan Proaño
Monica Bartholomew
La Señora
Carlos Bennett
Mercado Taxi Driver
Sebastian Donoso
Taxi Driver Trish
Jose Leonel Hernandez
Cristian Pulido
Taxi Driver Daniel
Luís Franco
Waiter in Chartreuse Vest
Steven Garcia
Telcor Teen Guard
Rogelio Chung
Telcor Man At Counter
Dayan Rodriguez
Tire Boy #1
Benito Tuñon
Tire Boy #2
Moises Caballero
Tire Boy #3
Bayardo Peralta
Tire Boy #4
Emmanuel Barahona
Tire Boy #5
Alexis Quintero
Carlos Trujilo
Vice-Minister's Waiter
Maria Quintero
Intercontinental Bartender
Gustavo Pérez
Man with Costa Rican Cop
Miroslava Morales
Hazmat Woman #1
Elvira ‘Ellie’ Rodríguez
Hazmat Woman #2
Alejandro Castoverde
Border Soldier
Mark Headley
Border Policeman

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