Music Comedy Romance
A country girl, wanting to break into show-business, comes to New York City and, by her actions, manages to restore the optimism of a jaded and disillusioned nightclub owner. Eventually, she marries the manager of one of the man's nightclubs.
Directed by
George Sherman
Forrest Tucker
Bart Manners
Dick Elliott
Trudy Marshall
Toni Marlowe
Mary Field
Telephone Operator
Ida Moore
Richard Lane
Duke Randall
Frank Sully
Rocky Jordan
Joe Besser
Roly Q. Entwhistle
Wanda Perry
Nightclub Woman
Mira McKinney
Letitia Harrison
Jinx Falkenburg
Janie Clark
Stan Kenton
Orchestral Leader
Robin Raymond
'Peaches' Barkeley
June Christy
Singer with the Kenton Band
Ezelle Poule

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