Comedy Drama
“My plan was to die before the money ran out,” says 60-year-old penniless Manhattan socialite Frances Price, but things didn’t go as planned. Her husband Franklin has been dead for 12 years and with his vast inheritance gone, she cashes in the last of her possessions and resolves to live out her twilight days anonymously in a borrowed apartment in Paris, accompanied by her directionless son Malcolm and a cat named Small Frank—who may or may not embody the spirit of Frances’s dead husband.
Directed by
Azazel Jacobs
Written by
Patrick DeWitt
Michelle Pfeiffer
Frances Price
Imogen Poots
Laura Mitchell
Tracy Letts
Franklin Price (voice)
Valerie Mahaffey
Mme Reynard
Danielle Macdonald
Madeleine the Medium
Daniel Di Tomasso
Christopher Hayes
Waiter on Ship
Diaz Jacobs
Isaach de Bankolé
Lucas Hedges
Malcolm Price
Vlasta Vrana
Borius Maurus (Ship's Doctor)
Bruce Dinsmore
Susan Coyne
Larry Day
Ralph Rudy
Stéphane Boucher
Man in Alley
Robert Higden
Mr. Baker
Julian Bailey
Beat Cop
Benoît Mauffette
Rude French Waiter
Younes Bouab
Brave Man in Paris Park
Matt Holland
Christine Lan
Una Kay
Confetti-Throwing Woman on Ship
Nikola Masri
Wine Clerk
Rebecca Gibian
Mr. Baker's Assistant
Jelena Djukic
Jean-Michel Le Gal
Customs Agent
Christopher B. MacCabe
Marc Raffray
Nice French Waiter
Eddie Holland
Young Malcolm Price
Saboor Aiasuddin Adbul
Cab Driver
Marine Chard
School Girl 1
Charlotte Hoepffner
School Girl 2
Deen Abboud
Man Who Takes Cash in Park

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