Thriller Horror Drama
A teenage girl living with schizophrenia begins to suspect her neighbor has kidnapped a child. Her parents try desperately to help her live a normal life, without exposing their own tragic secrets, and the only person who believes her is Caleb – a boy she isn’t even sure exists.
Directed by
Castille Landon
Written by
Castille Landon
Katherine Heigl
Michelle Burroughs
Madison Iseman
Rain Burroughs
Harry Connick Jr.
John Burroughs
Israel Broussard
Enuka Okuma
Dr. Elyn Pangloss
Eugenie Bondurant
Dani McConnell
Julia Vasi
Brian Yang
Dr. Yang
Lindsay Lamb
Bianca D'Ambrosio
Jannette Sepwa
Nurse Rosa
Isabella Abiera
Voices in Rain's Head (voice)
Elvia Hill
Medical Student
Todd Goble
Vice Principal
Annie Dufresne
Hudson Rodgers
Lyla Restaino
Young Rain
Mackenzie Bonefont
Officer 1
Chiara D'Ambrosio
Jake Hagan
Student Council Candidate
Madison Rosa
Pretty Girl
Eric Miranda
Brielle Carter
Bill Rodgers
Rory Smith
Michael Anthony Brown
Khris Colgate

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